Originally Posted by aceventura3
Congress is considering serious legislation on this subject. I want them to understand the ramifications of what they do. I want them to act on what they think is right, rather than what may financially benefit them. If that is not worthy of some extra effort, our system fails. Obama seems to want to change this type of politics in Washington, I want to believe he is a man of his word. To me this is a test, Obama can lead on this issue and totally change the way I view politics. Again, I know I am one person and I am not that important - but there is an opportunity - an opening - it may be temporary but - "now is the time"..."now is the moment"...!
Where were you in the six years when the Republican Congress rubber-stamped nearly every Bush policy and action?
Why do you consider most (many?) of Democratic oversight hearings of those six years a "fishing expedition" rather than "now is the time..now is the moment" to attempt to understand and act on the ramifications of those six years.
It appears to me that your concern is a bit selective and disingenuous.