Originally Posted by dc_dux
ace..I said that ethics investigations should not be based solely on partisan editorials.
Why do you ignore what we all know so far? Certainly editorials present a point of view, we can agree or disagree with that point of view. In this case it is legitimate to have different views on if an investigation is warranted. The opinion pieces I sourced support my view and provide well written arguments. The fact they may be partisan is not relevant to the argument in my opinion. If you dismiss the argument because of the source, I think that shows a bias. The question is can you and Democrats get past a bias you have and address an issue with an open mind? Like I said, my respect for those Democrats who can will increase. It would increase even to the degree that they address the argument rather than dismissing the issue. I know - nobody needs my respect, etc, etc.
What the partisan WSJ editorial fails to mention is that there is nothing to suggest that either Dodd or Conrad were aware that they were receiving favorable treatment from Countrywide.
I personally think these gentle men are savvy, intelligent people. They are also "rich", "rich" people generally know the value of what they pay for. I would be surprised if they did not know the value of what they got from Countrywide. But, that is just me, and I already stated that I am a cynic.
Despite that, the ethics investigation is proceeding under the new ethics rules (that McCain and other Repubs opposed, particularly because of the provision that allows persons outside of the Senate to initiate an investigation) and thats fine with me.
Even if the requests are partisan and are based on editorials? That is fine with you? Do you accept the reason someone may be against those rules are because of potential abuse?
What more do you want the Democrats to do?
I appreciate honesty and I appreciate people doing what they believe is right even when I disagree.
Congress has no jurisdiction to investigate Countrywide for criminal violations of law. It seems to me that you are trying to hold the Democrats accountable for something over which they have no control.
Congress is considering serious legislation on this subject. I want them to understand the ramifications of what they do. I want them to act on what they think is right, rather than what may financially benefit them. If that is not worthy of some extra effort, our system fails. Obama seems to want to change this type of politics in Washington, I want to believe he is a man of his word. To me this is a test, Obama can lead on this issue and totally change the way I view politics. Again, I know I am one person and I am not that important - but there is an opportunity - an opening - it may be temporary but - "now is the time"..."now is the moment"...!