Originally Posted by high_jinx
check this out....
Oh snap.
Originally Posted by high_jinx
me and 2 friends are slated to go on a vacation. we've rented a cabin in northern california and we're supposed to do various stuff and come back saturday.
today i get a call from friend A....... his gramps died this morning. since he was gonna drive, and it's just not feasible to 2man the trip, the trip is killed. the problem is that we didn't get a hotel where they might fill the room with someone else, it's a rent-by-owner cabin. so it's looking like we're on the hook for the hotel bill regardless.
now, of course i feel bad for him and having to deal with his gramps and the funeral stuff... he's a good friend of mine.
but that said, do you guys think we should all just cough up the dough as a group and eat it, or that my buddy's responsible since he killed the trip.... even for a valid reason?
Everyone should pay their share. It's no more complicated than that.