Originally Posted by pan6467
Naw, I just don't see McCain doing that.
There's more of a chance that he'll take Lieberman as VP or maybe even Clinton...
He partners with Lieberman, Obama will not stand a chance.
Hardcore neocons will vote for him anyway because of their fear of Obama.... the disenfranchised Dems will switch over.... and the Moderates in both parties will vote McCain.
That is a more believable scenario than his dropping out.
ok...I will respond to your post.
The scenario of a McCain/Clinton ticket is far far far less plausible than the possibility of McCain dropping out. It is about as far out there as you can get....completely irrational, IMO.
While the scenario of McCain/Lieberman is possible, though unlikely, disenfranchised Democrats
(whatever than means since I am not aware of any Democrats being disenfranchised in the primary process) and moderate independents, particularly women, are not likely to vote for McCain because of his VP choice.
Unless they dislike Obama, based on an emotional racial distrust, more than they are concerned about protecting women's rights, the unending occupation of Iraq, and the pocketbook issue of an economic/tax policy that supports the wealthiest taxpayers and corporations more than middle class families. And most polls suggest that is not the case.
But there are always a small number of voters who act on emotion over reason....this year, I would attribute it, in part, to "baracknophobia"
Fear of an African-American President.
The irrational fear of hope; the irrational fear that behind the mild-mannered facade, Barack Obama is intent on enslaving the white race.
The fear by unreasoning Americans that Barack Obama, a black man, will become their next president and bring something good back to the country.
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