Originally Posted by dc_dux
The US certainly still provides limitless opportunities to those willing to work hard.
My only caution to those thinking of emigrating to the US is that if you are hispanic or arab you should expect to experience far more prejudice, stereotyping and even law enforcement profiling than if you are white or asian.
I disagree. ALL of my Arab friends (Saudi, Algerian, Qatari) are white, white, white. Same goes for my Mexican friends except one who is actually black. Go figure.
If anything, Asians suffer just as much if not more prejudice, stereotyping, and are more likely to be victims of hate crimes. Especially South Asians, as well as East and Southeast Asians. I think crimes against Asians are even up in Canada if I recall correctly. That is one demographic that is always seen as easy victims. In New York, there is a popular game in which participants will order Chinese food, then kill the delivery man. All for sport. In another, it has become very popular to stalk Asian fishermen and push them into the lake. Countless convenience stores are attacked everyday by people who can't distinguish Asians from "Arabs" or anti-Korean people. The list goes on and on and on. And this doesn't even include the stereotyping and prejudice which takes place in the workplace, white collar or blue collar.