I'm tracking down scientific evidence for this phenomenon, which seems to be grounded in a "new" state of matter around the H-H-O molecule. This work has been published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, for anyone who has access to something like SciFinder Scholar or WebofScience. I am more interested, personally, in peer-reviewed scientific journals that cover this work. My first inclination, based on admittedly only a small amount of literature work, is to be skeptical. The reason is that if I had discovered something that could be so potentially revolutionary, I would immediately file for provisional patent, and then once protected, I would publish the data. Some data has been published, in 2006, on this HHO concept. Unfortunately, this is published in the IJHE, which is not a particularly high-level scientific journal. I would expect something like this to come out in Science, or Nature, or perhaps even Phys. Rev. B. That this was published in the IJHE, in an article that seems to be poorly written, is surprising to me at first glance.
I almost posted earlier on this topic, but want(ed) to look into it further. The basic concept of creating a H2/O2 feed to the engine which would essentially fatten up the supply is something which might have some credibility. My concerns, initially, would be:
Assuming that this effect is real, what are the cycle life concerns for
1. battery life.
2. alternator life.
3. engine timing
4. engine components such as seals, valves, and combustion?
In essence, would a co-feed of H2 and O2 have a long-term detrimental affect on the overall performance of the engine?
Then we move on to efficiency of the concept, and the laws of thermodynamics. You never get something for free - so despite the claim that the alternator could recharge the battery by the co-feed process, I think there would have to be a negative affect - you have to get the extra energy for electrolysis from somewhere, and electrolysis isn't a particularly efficient operation.
Still looking into this, but wanted to throw out a few thoughts.
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