Originally Posted by Terrell
Obesity may not be an addiction to food, it can be caused by many factors, and it's probably not as simple as an addiction to food, and the reasons/specifics probably vary from person to person.
I could find a psychologist in 20 minutes to diagnose someone with a food addiction. How? MOST Americans are addicted to food. As a matter of fact, obesity is one of the main symptoms. And most overweight people have some form of depression, be it clinical or not. Combine those two and you've got a solid case.
Originally Posted by Terrell
Unless that person who is addicted to pain killers has is in the ER with an overdose pumping his stomach is probably going to do him more harm than good, so I don't really see any point in doing so.
That was the picture I was painting, as it relates to spending public money for an individual's physical problem with a substance that's not illegal.
Originally Posted by Terrell
Except that the very same woman at the very same weight would not be indecent if she wore a different outfit.
Tell that to the hydrant. How many airplane tickets do you suppose he'd have to buy before he could honestly say that he wasn't invading someone else's personal space. 3? There is an issue of how one presents one's self in public and how decent that is.
Originally Posted by Terrell
I'm aware of that, though I do tend to think in US terms. I could support education about obesity, but this program is enforcement which also costs money, and I cannot support this, even in a govt heathcare system.
Actually, the enforcement MAKES money. Remember?