Originally Posted by BadNick
Tully, I think you're probably right...if I zoom in on some of the small islands north of Thursday, there seems to be what look like settlements...maybe Thursday Is. has some technical claim to being an official "town" whereas these more northern settlements don't?...crazy Aussies.
I know when I was there there wasn't a pier for our ship, had to take launches ashore. Also had to anchor off about two freaking miles due to swallow water. Couldn't even see the town from where we anchored. But there was a town and an airport that seemed way too big. Have no idea why they needed such a large air strip. Always assumed there was some military explanation, which would explain why we were there. Though all my friends and I did was head to the service to seaman's club and drink.
Not important, next.
Originally Posted by BadNick
Tully, I think you're probably right...if I zoom in on some of the small islands north of Thursday, there seems to be what look like settlements...maybe Thursday Is. has some technical claim to being an official "town" whereas these more northern settlements don't?...crazy Aussies.
edit: actually I'm wondering about this "strange" situation. I copied the map below and the land part at the top is without question the mainland of Papua New Guinea, but as you can see, Boigu Island is practically a stone throw off the New Guinea mainland...so how the hell could it be Australia?...this seems like a problem waiting to happen. One day soon the natives of New Guinea will be attacking Australia to reclaim their rightful ownership of Boigu Island. Thursday Island is at least a lot closer to the Australian mainland.

Well, looking at a map you'd have to wonder why Alaska is part of the US and not Canada.
All I know is when I was there they seem to think they were part of Australia.