Originally Posted by Lasereth
Movies that use CGI but are meant to be real-life action movies are terrible. The latest Indiana Jones is a good example.
The appeal of the originals was that they were like movie versions of pulp stories. From what I've heard, they took the concept and smeared Hollywood all over it.
Originally Posted by Redjake
Some of the best examples of the EFFECTIVE use of CGI are scenes where you can't tell it's even being used - such as, Jurassic Park.
Yeah yeah, the dinosaurs are CGI, but did you know the jeep in the below scene is CGI as well? They couldn't get a jeep to turn upside down and get pushed along and nudge and crushed by the T-Rex to look right in real life, so they substituted it. And to this day, I still can't tell the entire thing is CGI. The particular moment where it's CGI is when the girl was trapped in it while it was being squashed into the mud. 1993 folks - 15 years ago.

Now that you mention it, the color saturation doesn't match the rest of the scene, especially on the wheel on the left, but I never really noticed before you pointed it out.