oh I'm awair of that Tully. grown up with alchoholisim with bolth dad and mom.
dad just let his life go to shit and mom kept everything going great by day, but often blacked out, wandering zombie like at night.
and yes Psycho, I said worthless drunks but I mean, litteraly, homeless street begger alchoholic..slepping in allys and the whole bit. the sonns used to come and beg, or even steal from the mother and daughter (my gf)
her father was also an alkie who died, probably drunk, but he was suposedly trying to help someone along side the freeway with car trouble. none of them have come to terms w/ that. it's obvious to me since my gf frequently says stuff like "Dad would never stand for that"
dad was 100% native american, mom 50% so my gf is obviously NA and feels super defensive about her family being prone to alcholisim.
I'd be a a drunk too but I could just tell when I drank some in college I liked it a little too much. I saw it right away so I kept it in check. it never got out of hand, and now I don't really drink at all. one beer and I can just tell, the light buzz comming on,it's nice and I want to feed it but I don't
well, I expected a call and another 2-3 hr rant tonight after work but she was like...I'm ok. just another wierdo. don't worry I can handel it. so I went back to my nap.