Kids are not much different than adults. I find myself ROUTINELY annoyed by children. But even more than being annoyed by children; I'm more annoyed by adults.
So to answer the OP ... I find the same things annoying with regard to adults and children. I'll see your child's rendition of "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" and raise you with annoying adult upstairs who feels the need to stomp everywhere he goes--it shakes my whole apartment. Good thing we're buying another house soon.
At least children have the whole "don't have any objective reasoning" thing. It's not like they are being selfish on purpose. Adults on the other hand ... I don't know where people get their sense of entitlement.
<slight threadjack>
I am a very selfish person and I will always be. But (and I've said this before) since my daughter was born I have a certain drive that I didn't have before. It helps to have an awesome wife.
One thing that I enjoy about having a kid: I laugh at people who get annoyed by my kid especially at restaurants (unless my kid is doing something on purpose).
As for running around and jumping on furniture and being generally child-like ... we do that. Our couch is a nightmare ... but it's just stuff. Time with loved-ones can never be replaced; couches can.
</slight threadjack>
Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl
Oh, OH, and when kids order people around. I'm a server, and I've had tables where the kids treat me like shit (young kids, too, no older than eight), and the parents either ignore them or say something vague like "be nice," and that's it.
Ever see the Fawlty Towers episode with the spoiled kid who wants "salad dressing"?
EDIT: I think the episode is called "Dinner with Andre."