Originally Posted by aceventura3
How do you explain the fact that they did not take the WH's offer? They had nothing to loose.
I think the WH's position has been to protect executive privilege. As they protect executive privilege, they offered a compromise. So I see the WH as being more cooperative than Congress at this point.
You ask what I think?
I think you have convinced yourself (but few others outside the Bush faithful) that the WH position (no transcripts, no oath) was reasonable and that Congress was motivated by partisan politics and showmanship rather than seeking the truth regarding questionable actions by the administration.
Congress even offered to keep the hearings closed (no "showmanship") as long as transcripts were permitted and the WH staff testified under oath....and the WH staff could invoke executive privilege on a question-by-question basis.
IMO, that was a reasonable compromise considering that this Congress has requested nothing more from the current WH than any recent Congress in responsible pursuit of its oversight responsibility of previous administrations.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
... it seems there are not many here who are willing to even consider the fact that Congress's quest for truth might be just a bit more for political purposes rather than for getting at the "truth".
Sure...I would consider that Congress's quest for the truth is "a bit" for political purposes (but far less, not more, of a motivator than for seeking the truth)...the same as I consider the fact that the previous Congress abrogated its oversight responsibilities for political purposes and the current WH has attempted to control the Congressional oversight process for political purposes.
Which one is also attempting to seek the truth in the interest of an open and accountable Executive Branch?
the current Congress asking hard questions about WH actions and policies in fulfillment of its oversight role
the previous Congress that did not take the time to conduct more than cursory superficial oversight hearings regarding WH actions and policies but instead gave the WH a blank check to do what it wanted...no questions asked
the current administration that will not permit its staff to testify under oath and answer any questions and not just those that might fall under claims of executive privilege
'nuf said.