to the main thread question...I shure hope not, however, the voting process as been so f'd over the past 8 years honestly I think it's a joke. some kind of teasing sham of a process. just a process to make all the sheeple think they made a choice.
any kind of debate between these guys easily reveals Mcain as much less intelegent than Obama and an old raging warmonger to boot.. I don't see anything positive about him.
if Obama winns I agree it'll be a hidious mess figuring out Iraq let alone getting out. I don't see that part of the world ever being anything but a raging hell hole. I can't see how anyone could get us out in 4 years. Iraq will still be a horror of chaos easy.
what I can hope for is Obama trashing the republican party with war crime trials and god knows what all else. if that stuff starts kicking in and takes hold hopefully it'll go for 2 terms...more than shure theres enough dirt on the gop to last.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.