Originally Posted by pocon1
also, the language barrier will not be a problem for you. good luck quoting the bible in High latin.
I can read latin, though I'd only understand a bit of it. And people would likely be used to my strange accent, so they'd dismiss any mispronunciations as my accent.
Originally Posted by pocon1
And trying to manufacture a bible to dirstribute, you've got another think coming.
I never said I'd manufacture anything. I said I's steal the bible and give it to people.
Also, I never said I'd pursue an atheist agenda. The world has really only been ready for that for maybe the past few hundred years, at most the Renaissance. I can play ball if it means avoiding persecution from a church.
HH has a good idea with muteness, but not understanding would mean pretending to be mentally handicapped. Who knows what they did with people afflicted with a mental disability.