Originally Posted by pocon1
The only church back then was the Catholic Church.
Not only had Hinduism predated Christianity by thousands of years, not only did Judaism predate Christianity by thousands of years, but Islam was flourishing in Northern Africa, the Middle East, and East. So no, there were many churches in the 1000s. While the hypothetical postulates being transported to Europe, I doubt it would be difficult to leave Europe should the situation present itself as dangerous due to that incarnation of the church.
Originally Posted by pocon1
Commoners did not have access to the bible.
And can you imagine if someone stole a few copies and delivered them to the masses? *cough* Protestant reformation. *cough*, and a bit early.
Originally Posted by pocon1
Most bush priests...
Originally Posted by pocon1
Do you honestly think that you could pass yourself off as a member of the most organized and widespread group in the western hemisphere?
The most organized group in the dark ages. That's like the tallest ewok. Record keeping across long distances was horrible due to slow transportation. "I'm a missionary from the far East who was ordained by *insert other real missionary's name here*' can't be corroborated, but more importantly it can't be refuted. At worst they test me and I recite biblical verses I have memorized from catechism.
Originally Posted by pocon1
Galileo was born in 1564 and he had to recant to the church. You think you are smarter than him, and he was well-born.
Galileo wasn't a politician, he was a scientist. I've seen enough BillO to spin conservatives without too much difficulty.
Originally Posted by pocon1
All of you and myself would die. Very quickly. Will would die first, before me.
I'd probably do quite well due to my current state of health and experience in landscaping being applied to agricultural work.