Originally Posted by pocon1
Hello! The only church back then was the Catholic Church. That's all. Commoners did not have access to the bible. The Catholic church did all their masses in high latin and purposefully kept the masses ignorant. Most bush priests simply had a missal to do simple burials and weddings. Priests and churches were the entire system of recordkeeping. All births and deaths were recorded by the church. Do you honestly think that you could pass yourself off as a member of the most organized and widespread group in the western hemisphere? The only organization that spread across multiple kingdoms and had a direct control of everything that happened? Where do you think their info came from? The priests who reported to the bishops and so forth. What heretic village was burned out in the middle ages in France? Where the quote came from "kill them all, god will know his own." Galileo was born in 1564 and he had to recant to the church. You think you are smarter than him, and he was well-born. All of you and myself would die. Very quickly. Will would die first, before me.
the only thing i really think you have right is that we'd all die. EVERYONE PANIC!!!
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer