Originally Posted by dc_dux
Impeachment should be a deliberative process...and that takes time!
...and had we begun impeachment proceedings when we should (January 2001), we would have avoided the Iraq war. We may have even prevented 9/11. Had we started it in 2004, we could have prevented multitudes of people from being kidnapped and tortured, we could have prevented FISA-bypassing wiretaps, we could have prevented disenfranchisement of (possibly) hundreds of thousands of voters, and we could have prevented all of the deaths connected with the Iraq War since late 2004. At this point, it would be strictly punishment because we failed to act when it would have actually made a difference, but I'm fine with punishment. Shit, I'd be happy with punishment. President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Dr. Rice, and other high ranking Bush Administration officials should be investigated without interference and prosecuted based on the crimes which they have committed if for no other reason but to make future Bush's think twice before leading the US down this dark road again.