Originally Posted by Blasphemy
Ever lived in a place where tipping isn't expected, and is somewhat rare.
I just find the whole thing that they expect extra payment pretty stupid. If they barely make a profit from their work. Get a better job OR talk to the manage about better conditions.
No, but if you do, this whole thread doesn't really apply to you. If you live in the US, then you don't live in a place where tipping isn't expected... NOWHERE in the US is non-tipping typical.
Frankly, you aren't paying the tip for them doing their job, you're paying the tip for you to be a lazy bum. *shrug*
There are countries where tipping it not the norm, as brought up by
Daniel_. Singapore is also like this. The difference there is as follows. In the US, waitstaff make subminimum wage (was $2.52 an hour when I worked as a waiter, even at an upscale restaurant I made $4/hr or so... still less than minimum) because it is a tipped job. The federal government actually expects you to earn tips. Wow, must be abnormal... *boggle* In Singapore, everyone makes at least a certain wage based on the career they work in. They don't NEED tips because they actually get paid.
So, yes, waitstaff and delivery folks do choose that job... because there is an ABSOLUTE expectation of tipping as part of your wage. Sure, if the job is done poorly, than adjust accordingly. Even having been in a tipped position, if a waitress is REALLY bad I won't leave her anything.