Originally Posted by dc_dux
host...i agree that there may be grounds for impeachment, particularly on the issues of warrantless wiretaps, the unlawful release of national security information (Plame affair) and the abrogation of US treaty obligations (torture of non-combatants)...but not on the decisions or actions that brought about the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
From a practical perspective...it just aint gonna happen.
One only need look at the manner in which the WH has effectively stalled the Contempt of Congress citations on WH staff. That issue will not work its way through the federal courts until after the Bush admin is out. An impeacment inquiry would suffer the same fate...at the first request for WH testimony or documents, Bush would call out his lawyers and stall with legal maneuvers for 9 months.
I just dont see how the public is served. I would much rather see a focus on corrective actions as a priority rather than delayed punitive actions through the impeachment process. That sill leaves the door open to criminal prosecution after Jan 09.
That isn't the point. The point is that republicans and their pundits marched in lockstep over the issue of Clinton misleading "the American people", about his role in a trivial, private sexual tryst. They not only maintained that it rose to a level serious enough for impeachment....and neither Will, nor Broder, nor Coulter, as my citations show....limited arguments for impeachment or resigntaion in disgrace, to lying under oath in a civil deposition proceeding. they actually pursued impeachment because of it.
No, they all maintained that "public lies"....the president losing his credibility, were enough. But, now, in the circumstances of the list of serious accusations of a loss of presidential credibility, closely related to, and during a time of war....where are these same people with their concerns?
ace summed it up in his last post, it has to be a demonstrable felony now, for impeachment to be considered, and Broder's response last friday is a poster for ace's argument....