I'm a punk. I can't rebel, properly, against something I don't understand, so I have put a lot of time into learning about the government. A small deal of my learning was done in school. Mainly, middle school years. That's where I learned the basics of how our system's supposed to work. I dropped out of high school too early to really take any governmental classes. A larger percentage comes from sources that don't depend on the government, and therefore don't lie to you. Like some places on the internet, though, with the internet, you have to take everything with a grain of salt. I think most of it comes from those around me who are more versed in how it works than myself, though.
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager
"Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike