Originally Posted by aceventura3
We been down this road many time in our history. Heck, even when there was real evidence of wrong doing, i.e. Nixon - the nation did absolutely nothing.
I'm way too young to remember this, but student activism was rather massive during the Nixon Administration. Between Vietnam and Watergate, people were actually pissed. Why do you think the legislative branch actually had the balls to impeach him?
Originally Posted by aceventura3
So, in this case, you certainly will never get a consensus on any wrong doing by the Executive Branch and any actions taken by Democratic Party leaders will be perceived by at least half of the nation as partisan - so I ask you one simple question: What would be gained?
Half the nation? More like 25%, if that. It's not 2004, you know.
What will be gained? How about a year of freedom for innocent men, women and children? How about unconstitutional wiretaps? How about a year's worth of Iraq War money? How about Kyoto? How about letting Adam and Steve get hitched? I could write books on the things Bush not only has done wrong, but continues to do wrong in office, to the detriment of the American people (you included).