Originally Posted by girldetective
Dlish: Do you know what the expectations for men coming to the marital bed are? Virginity for both? I dont know, but I hope its fair and true on both sides.
Why should that be the slightest bit relevant?
Judging by the material available, there's more to this than meets the eye. Regardless, it's not like he sprung this on her. Odds are it was mentioned at some point and the whole not having sex before marriage bit would seem to be a strong indicator. If we assume for the sake of argument that all parties entered into this arrangement willingly, then the sole issue here is that she defrauded him. His status, expectations of him, none of that matters in the slightest bit.
Every couple and every individual needs to decide for themselves what's right. This guy thinks his wife ought to be unsullied and that's his call. Personally, I'd much rather the girls I sleep with not be virgins, because that's a whole big mess (literally and figuratively) that I'd just rather avoid. He may have a double standard for his wife-to-be and
that's fine too. If he can find a woman who agrees with it, then good on him. Shockingly, they do still exist.