Need Some Advise....
So a friend of my goes around telling everyone she is engaged (we all know it's true) but she has slept with 4 guys and a girl SINCE being engaged. Her bf works for a oil company and works for 9 weeks on (he is at the very top of the state) and is off for 6 weeks (gets to come home).
So she does all the messing around while he is gone. Well last night we all had a few drinks then for whatever reason I laid into her about how she is a slut and acting the way she is. Her bf makes all the money and buys her everything (she lives with him and doesn't pay rent, he buys her all kinds of expensive shit... and you get this picture). She is 23 he is 33. I've never met the guy but I don't like to see people getting taken advantage of.
Would it be in the wrong to let him know about her habits while he is away? Or should I just let it go and let Karma take it's course?
If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is a man who has so much as to be out of danger?