Originally Posted by Seaver
I've always been baffled at SUV haters. Some people get so angry at the fuel efficiency of the cars of other people. The people whom are willing to pay for the pleasure of it.
If you make the economic decision to buy cheap whiskey, and I make the decision to buy Crown or Walker, then the enjoyment of said device means more to me than the difference in price. If gas factors more for you than space or power, then that is your decision and you'll be happy with a Prius. If I want a car with some power and space for pulling a boat and a full family in one car more than gas, then that is my decision.
As for economics, no it's not the end. Crossovers are already becoming more popular, and with higher technology improving mileage it will be with equal power of the old giants.
In addition, the average ownership of a car new is only 2-5 years. It takes something like 80k miles to just break even on gas between hybrids and their non-hybrid equivilant. Very few people drive that much.
You've never been to Mexico, have you? They take a mid-sized car and shove a family of 8 in it. And it's 20 years old. And there's a dog. And groceries. And a car seat. *shrug* You don't need a huge SUV, with DVD players behind each seat, raised 8" with no muffler. Sure, that's an extreme, but it's also primarily cultural. Go to Europe and you don't see shit on the roads like you do here. And they still have families. Often larger than what you see in the States.
It's just a matter of being reasonable. Sure, do whatever you want. Freedom and all. But, why be wasteful unnecessarily?