Yeah, I don't get the fuss.
These images aren't nudes for the sake of nudes. They're not even nudes for the sake of shock value. The nudity is integral to the artistic message being conveyed. If the children had been clothed (or if the same shots were done with adult models) it wouldn't carry the same meaning and impact.
Regardless of the medium, art is about telling a story. Good art should have a message to convey to the viewer/listener, and these photos do that. There is one image in the eight linked that could possibly be construed as sexual, but even then I'd say it's more on the viewer; I didn't see it that way myself until I read the entire thread, and then on a second look I was able to understand how it might be interpreted that way. Frankly, there's a couple of these that I'd be quite happy to have hanging in my living room. I think they're quite powerful and beautiful images.
I do not understand the equation of nudity with sexuality. Compare and contrast this to the photos available on
Zivity; many of those are erotic and feature clothed models. Even then, I don't know that I'd go so far as to call them pornographic, but there's a certain sexuality in some (not all) of the photos there that is not in the least bit present in the images linked here.
Regarding the rest of it, levite is my man. I may in the future just have everyone refer to his posts when stating my opinion.