Originally Posted by Grancey
I don't think that the parents are always aware of how unpleasant the preventable actions can be. For example, when my niece was about 6 she would grab my leg, sit on the floor and hang on. I would say let go, and the parents would laugh. Their laugher reinforced her bad behavior, which may have been a game that her parents played with her. For me to physically remove her would have been unacceptable behavior so I just had to endure. So, I think parents need to be more aware, that's all.
The above seems like: "Kids will be kids, deal with it."
I'm a parent. I believe that children need to learn what is appropriate and what is not in social situations. If you said, "let go" and one of my kids didn't let go, I would put my son or daughter in a "time out." Whether or not the child is too young to understand, the parents should be more aware.