Originally Posted by ratbastid
Wes Clark provides those things, and would go a ways toward mending fence with the angry Hillary droids.
Upsides: VERY smart man, well thought-of, rich military experience. Certainly stronger on military, veteran, and foreign-policy than McCain.
Downsides: Not great on the stump, prone to intellectual rather than soundbyte-ready speech (which is, IMO, what killed Kerry)
I like Clark a lot, but sadly I agree with you. In a world where everything is judged on how well you deliver a sound bite he might not be the best choice. He's freaking SMART and has a ton of experience, not solely military either.
Seems anymore the VP pick has to be the pit bull of the campaign. I think someone like Webb might not be a bad choice. His face as been out there, he used to be a GOP, has military experience up the wazoo (that's gotta hurt) and he's some what famous for telling Bush to politely, or not depending on your point of view, to go fuck himself. But I could also see him working with all sides to find real solutions to the mess we're in.