Originally Posted by djtestudo
1) It was the shortstop, Bartlett.
2) How is putting your knee down in front of the base attempting to injure him? I heard it as Coco being pissed at Bartlett for breaking some goofy "unwritten rule".
It is some sort of unwritten rule that whoever is covering second on a throw from the catcher doesn't put their knee in front of the bag, because when guys slide in headfirst they can break their fingers on the knee. Hence coco going in hard, feet first on the next slide to send a message, put you knee down and the next time it will be spikes, not fingers that get there first. All of that stuff is pretty much accepted practice, but the manager Maddon got his panties in a twist and began the verbal crap between him and coco, which led to the beanball and the mound charge (which are pretty much also relatively accepted--get hit, charge the mound, whatever) The biggest issue was all of the cheap shots that the Rays players took after coco was subdued and they were "protecting their pitcher." Never mind the fact that Shields is 6'4" 215 and Coco is about 6' 180 and Shields didn't look like he needed much protecting, jumping in 6 on 1 was completely bush league. That team is full of losers with bad attitudes, so it isn't really surprising, I guess.