Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I can't think of the who said it but didn't someone from within the White house talk about "rolling out a new product" and the timing? Didn't he say this months and months ago? I know I heard or read this somewhere,
It was Andrew Card, the WH Chief of Staff at the time and the "marketing strategy" was to use Bush's first 9/11 anniversary speech for the occasion:
White House officials said today that the administration was following a meticulously planned strategy to persuade the public, the Congress and the allies of the need to confront the threat from Saddam Hussein.
The rollout of the strategy this week, they said, was planned long before President Bush's vacation in Texas last month. It was not hastily concocted, they insisted, after some prominent Republicans began to raise doubts about moving against Mr. Hussein and administration officials made contradictory statements about the need for weapons inspectors in Iraq.
The White House decided, they said, that even with the appearance of disarray it was still more advantageous to wait until after Labor Day to kick off their plan.
''From a marketing point of view,'' said Andrew H. Card Jr., the White House chief of staff who is coordinating the effort, ''you don't introduce new products in August.''
A centerpiece of the strategy, White House officials said, is to use Mr. Bush's speech on Sept. 11 to help move Americans toward support of action against Iraq, which could come early next year.
IMO, nothing is more immoral that using the national tragedy of 9/11 to try to "sell" a war against someone who had nothing to do with it.