Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Guys, those are valid criticisms, but I'm really more interested in the positive aspects of what we do. And by "we" I mean members, inclusive of staff. We all have a vested interest in the site, and my purpose for this thread is to figure out what makes someone go from lurker to poster.
What made me go from lurker to poster?
I may still qualify as a lurker rather than a poster. I don't recall my first post, but I generally post in threads where I feel like I have something to contribute. So, how do you get people to move from lurker to poster?
Have more threads. If there are more topics to respond to, more people will respond. I find that starting threads is hard. To me, it requires a commitment to monitoring the thread and keeping it on track. It also requires framing questions in ways that encourage discussion.
Originally Posted by highthief
What was the point of Ustwo's post? What was the point of the post by dlish? It did not address the question posed by the OP. Their off topic opinions are OK, mine is not?
I'm certainly not the person who decides what opinions are OK. I agree that both posts were off-topic. I just see a lot of "needling" generally and I don't understand what it accomplishes. Perhaps I misinterpreted your post. Perhaps in my response to you, I was doing the same thing.