Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Seems like an odd argument to be making considering the wars approval rating is at or lower then Bush's. Which is what? Low 30's, high 20's? When does the number agreeing with this view no longer become "many?"
War approval rating? I don't know anyone who ever wanted to be in a war. It is very easy for people to get discouraged, when people are discouraged and want a war over - that does not mean either surrender or not completing what was started. When you talk ratings, I guess it all depends on how the question is asked.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Host....you dont get it.
Bush was not lying....he just changed his view because his "wife" said it didnt fell right:
The only unresolved issue here is who is the wife (Cheney) and who is the hubby (Bush)....or it vice versa?
You can not help it can you? You should seek professional help.
It is not very creative cutting and pasting words out of context to try to make someone seem foolish, it is more a reflection on you than the person you try to mock.
If you don't get the historical context of the Iraqi war relative to other wars and how decisions were made and how strategy and goals changed, you may want to get help with that too. I understand people disagreeing on our preemptive attack, occupation, strategy, goals, use of intel, selling the war, etc., but to pretend all of our current problems with this war is Bush's fault is beyond realistic in my view. But you and others are welcome to your view.
Originally Posted by host
ace, your editorial's arguments are supported by......???? .....compared to the linked support for every point in my last post.
Can you refute, with facts, anything in my last post?
I am not interested in refuting anything in your last post. I don't even know what your point is, other than you think Bush lied. O.k. let's assume he lied to you, DC, Democratic members of Congress, McClellan, and some members of the media. So what? What are you folks going to do? Let's focus on that for a few days.