What do we do well? We provide a space for reasonably like-minded individuals to shoot the breeze. Sometimes we shoot serious breeze...when we wonder if our girlfriends are pregnant because we masturbated wildly, didn't wash our hands, wiped them on a towel, which she used 7 days later to dry off her cootchie. Sometimes we shoot casual breezes about wars in foreign countries and healthcare and racism and so forth. That provision of space to communicate, with fairly low incidents of spam and flamefestitude, is probably the strongest positive of the tfp. A moderate well-moderated place for people to type away about the craziest shit you can imagine, without much fear of censorship and an expectation of mixed responses more or less given with a modicum of respect and sarcasm.
This place is one of the places that replaces the front porch, where we can meander about and mosey. Talk about politics and genital aberations. Discuss the news. Keep up with who had a baby or a birthday - but for me it's much more accessible than some ridiculous space like myspace or facebook or *gag* friendster. It's less about visual flash, and more about substance. We are the people who would be writing letters to each other, if we weren't so busy writing emails.
I think the artistic expression aspect of the site has waned, and has given wa to more the discussion oriented aspects. We used to have nancy washing her body in dayglow paint and fly showing us his ass. Now it's mostly a place to cogitate.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style