Originally Posted by Willravel
You don't even understand your own argument.
Potential odds don't change with more dire consequences.
I didn't say they did. I said
"Do you not see how someone must prepare based not only on odds but on potential consequences?"
You don't seem to understand it because you don't believe in preparing for unlikely things, but there is a difference in the amount of rational preparation for something with a 1/1,000,000 chance of causing a few scratches and a 1/1,000,000 chance of "being bound, gagged, and beaten and then finally raped vaginally, orally, and anally most of the night, having your brutally raped orifices washed out with bleach to remove any DNA, then wrapped in numerous layers of blankets, sheets, and shower curtains to finally be stuffed in a garbage can with the lid sealed to suffer a slow and agonizing death".
I get the feeling that you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, because I don't think anyone could say that the time spent "preparing" yourself, not walking unaccompanied at night, walking quickly and with purpose and knowing the basic rules of self-defense and distance is irrational preparation.
Firearms don't have to be part of it, despite you using this discussion to say that guns aren't necessary. Should women not do the things above? Wouldn't they be irrationally preparing for something that's unlikely to happen, to use your very own words?