Originally Posted by aceventura3
Faulty conclusion. Or, perhaps there is a difference between "ignoring" intel and not giving it the same weight as other intel. It is very possible that he looked at all of the intel, carefully considered all of it, and still came to the conclusion to go to war.
He looked at all of the intel, carefully considered all of it, and then only presented the evidence that supported what he wanted to do to Congress and the American people.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Does it also depend on the consequences of time available? Did you see the movie Crimson Tide? What would you have done? Given we know how the movie turned out, its easy, but actually think about it.
Bush had a year and a half.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Are you married? There have been many times when I have done tons of research, go with my wife to make a decision on something and she says something like "it doesn't feel right", and I change my view, even though the intel and data I had suggested otherwise, her "data" (gut) did not agree. Would that make me a lier?
"It doesn't feel right" is probably fine when you're picking out furniture but doesn't fly when you're the president.