I hear 40-80 the game is very unfinished and a real grind with little questing. I think the biggest thing that could kill this game for me is the instances and lack of grouping. I loved the eq style of 1 of each zone per server and the heavy reliance on groups.
AoC feels like I'm playing a single player game most of the time with all the instancing.
This game could become really enjoyable, but Funcom needs to get it's shit together quickly to avoid a mass exodus within a couple months.
Also, the UI is about the biggest hunk of garbage I've ever seen. WoW did set the standard for an easy to use UI. I never had to read the manual or search to figure out how to do anything with that UI. Nothing about AoC interface is intuitive. I mean we are supposed to map 5 attack directions in addition to the dozens of keys for combos and stances, yet funcom won't let us use mwheelup, mwheeldown, mouse4 or mouse5 or additional mouse buttons? wtf...
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.