Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I actually saw this at the market this last Saturday (I live in Corvallis, the city in question) and was extremely puzzled by it. To be honest, I found the implication that I'd never met a black person before a bit offensive. Just because I live in supposed small town white America does not mean that this is actually small town white America--we are also a college town, and have a higher level of diversity than most of the surrounding communities.
However, people in Corvallis love, love, LOVE to talk about stuff like this, so I wasn't surprised to see something like this. It's a college town, and has attracted a large number of former hippies and other not-so-crunchy-granola types. This booth was right down the sidewalk from the "Free Speech Zone" of the Corvallis Open Forum.
That's what I was thinking. If you wanted to find a town in Oregon without a black person you'd likely have to head east of Bend. Portland, Eugene, Salem and Corvallis are pretty diverse cities.
Overall, meh. Though I guess it has people talking about race, that's not necessarily a bad thing.