Will, basically you pointed out that all these guys were lawyers - just like Hillary. The thing is I have the luxury of knowing a bit about Clinton's litigation career in the 80's seeing as how much insurance business I write in Arkansas (I think it's about $6M in premium, but I didn't look it up. May be more, may be less). And she was/is a hell of a litigator. In the late 80's she took a $1M+ settlement off of one of an account I write. I know that because my client made a point of telling me. I drive by her old law firm on the way to their office from the airport. And that means that she has exactly the same qualifications as Brandeis and Frankfurther - if not more because she's been involved in the actual crafting of legislation.
Have no doubts - whatever you think of her personally she is an incredibly bright lady. That said, could she be the next Marshall et al? Given the nature of this thread thus far, I have no choice but to say "sure, anything's possible!" And lucky for me, I actually believe it.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo