ace....another great editorial right (pun intended) up your alley
It just ignores many facts that I think Obama will consider...particularly that there has been virtually no political progress...which was the rationale for the surge.
.....the major Sunni party has been boycotting the government for almost a year now...and other Sunni tribal leaders have been building their own militia in Anwar with US funds and no interest in being part of the central government.
...the most popular Shiite in the country, al Sadr, has been boycotting the government and can call for massive anti-US demonstrations (and violence) at any time.
... the highest religious leader in the country, Sustani, is so opposed to the Bush/Malaki long-term US/Irag security deal, that is is prepared to issue a fatwah that permits attacking US forces.
....the Iraqi people dont want us there.
...the American people dont want us there
Our current "strategy is doing nothing to lead to political reconciliation. The only ones who want us there are Malaki, for his own political survival, and a small band of US neo-cons (supported by a small minority of the public).
So why would Obama change his current redeployemt strategy that focuses on getting us out and supplementing the US in the diplomatic process with the affected parties in the region.
If anyone will be able to to bring about political will be the neighbors/supporters of both the Sunnis and Shiites....not an occupying military power.