I'll give you some tips on what not to do. Not that I have guests behaving in this manner or anything like that.....
Do not rearrange the furniture.
Do not eat in non-eating areas, such as dining on chips and salsa on a white bedspread.
Do not "camp out" in a favorite chair of your host.
Do not alter ceiling fans, window blinds or air temperatures.
Do not leave your garbage laying around. Use the garbage cans.
If you break something, replace it.
If you are not sure how to correctly use an appliance or electronic item, ask.
Don't snoop through the hosts email when you have been allowed to use their computer.
Don't bring pets along unless you are sure it is okay. And if for some reason the host allows you to bring a pet, clean up after your pet.
If you live in a different time zone, be considerate. Your host may not always rise at 4:00 am.
Don't make changes to the house, apartment, etc. Don't even ask.
Don't leave a mess behind.
When you are treated to dinner out, don't complain about the restaurant. And don't be rude to a server or restaurant owner that your host obviously knows very well.
Don't bring fleas. (Yes, this actually happened)
Make the bed, everyday.
These bring back memories. I'm sure I'll think of more.
If these things have never crossed your mind, then you have no probs.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.