So what do you have above that is not summed up in my post #63? Is it simply shocking to believe that people would want Saddam out of power, have a plan, and conditions under which the plan would be triggered?
Why do you think I voted for Bush? I voted for him because I believed he had a plan to address Iraq. I felt Iraq was a problem, I thought it was an on-going threat that was going to get worse. After 9/11 there was no doubt in my mind that if we failed to act decisively against - not only al qaeda, but also the defiance of Saddam we would have faced a much bigger problem in the future. In that regard 9/11 and Iraq are linked. I am guessing the subtlety of that link is lost on most people who felt Bush falsely linked the two.
How many times has the administration been asked about links between Iraq an 9/11? Is the real problem with the obsession with the question, which has cause a belief in the public, which is then blamed on the administration? Or is the problem with a person "cherry picking" quotes related to a broader ME strategy and relating it to 9/11 direct involvement?
I know you will never acknowledge an understanding of how a person can see 9/11 as a legitimate occurrence prompting a need to immediately stop Saddam's defiance, but there are people who hold the view - like it or not. I think your real opinion is that of simply disagreeing with that strategic view.
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."