Hmm, I know Newegg tested shipping to Canada, but I don't know if they actually do or not.
As for the mobo, what requirements do you have? What about the eVGA board do you like? What about the Asus makes it "close enough"? Name your features!
The RAM... ah the RAM. This was a steep learning curve for me. I've been building PCs for over a decade now, and things aren't the same as they used to be even 3 years ago specs wise for what's important to gaming. Faster RAM isn't terribly helpful in MOST cases unless you plan to overclock. Even then, overclocking system RAM has marginal effects. MORE > FASTER... this is the primary reason I started playing with 64-bit operating systems. If you are sticking with 32-bit, though, 4GB of whatever you can afford is the best bet I suppose.