Has she ever been to individual counseling? If she is indeed depressed (which is also my suspicion--what's with the 5 pints of beer on a regular basis?), then that's the issue that needs to be addressed before the weight is ever going to come off.
And then there's the issue of body type. Not comparing her to what she was in high school, but to what her ideal weight would be NOW. I do think that there is a "good weight" for most people to be at, even if it's not super-model thin. For me, I've been hovering around the same weight for the last 10 years, so I'm pretty sure it's not going to change (doesn't matter if I'm working out, doing hard runs daily for months on end, or doing absolutely nothing aerobic whatsoever--my body composition changes from fat to muscle, but my weight still does not change). I don't know if it's the case for her, since obviously "obese" never = healthy, or ideal weight for anyone, but maybe if she had a more realistic goal, then she could be motivated to get it down.
I'm also thinking of my college roommate, who was a big girl but still did crew (rowing is one hell of a workout) for 3 years, 2 hours every morning, and also ran 2 marathons in her 4th year... and she always LOOKED pretty big, you know? She could never get rid of her rather noticeable double chin, no matter how healthy her body was... and she had German genes, so she just had huge arms and thighs, tummy, etc. But she could seriously kick anyone's ass, if necessary. My best friend is also a round, rather stout Filipina-American, and she's always been extremely active with sports (competitive swimming, tennis, running... she just finished HER first marathon, too), but again, her body shape never changed. She still looks very chubby and round, even if she can run for 27 miles with no problem. Both of these people ate very healthy, not large portions at all, so I know it wasn't the diet. They were in good shape. But they still "looked" fat. And guys did hold it against them. So what are their options?
Just some thoughts.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran