_ The Free Community of Fuerte
"Our Only Army Is The Two Tone Army"
UN Category: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
Civil Rights: Superb
Economy: Imploded
Political Freedoms: Very Good
Location: The Atlantic
The Free Community of Fuerte is a enormous, socially progressive nation, notable for its strong anti-business politics. Its compassionate population of 841 million enjoy extensive civil rights and enjoy a level social equality free of the usual accompanying government corruption.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Education, the Environment, and Social Equality. The average income tax rate is 100%. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising fourteen-year-old boys selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.
Military funding has been stripped back, same-sex marriages are increasingly common, scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes, and surveillance cameras are banned. Crime is totally unknown. Fuerte's national animal is the Spider Monkey, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Atlantic dollar.
Yeah, I'm a dirty stinky hippie-pinko.