I didn't realize I had misrepresented Sir Obama. To much is emphasis is put on single words rather than looking at the whole picture. A 16 month withdrawel is pretty much there one day and gone the next considering the scope of our operations there.
I just stated in my opinion he will change his tune before he takes office about getting the troops out of Iraq. I also believe everyone involved with Obama and all his supporters know it will have to change before he takes office.
The surge is at least partly successful. The daily attacks have stopped and the Iraqis are about ready to take care of their own security. You are correct that the surge hasn't solved all the political aspects but it has helped in the day to day living of everyone.
And be honest, do you ever see a day when the Sunnis and Shiites will coexist peacefully ? They have feuded for thousands of years and that has nothing to do with the invasion, Bush or Republicans and it isn't going to go away if Obama wins in November. But it sure sounds better if you can blame someone for that don't it ?