This was the best season of LOST so far. No question about it. Man, the sheer brilliant mind-fuckery of the flash-forwards...
I've been under the assumption that return of the Oceanic Six was what happens at the end of the whole series, and that those not among the Six are going to be left on the island for good. Now it turns out that was just a sub-plot, and we'll have next season TWO concurrent stories--one of the goings-on on the island (including Jeremy Bentham's "bad things" that happen after Jack leaves), and the story of Jack and Ben wrangling the Six (plus the late Jeremy Bentham--have to keep saying that name to myself so I remember to call him that!) back to the Island. Events on the island are happening in 2004 (actually, lostpedia says the Six-plus-Frank-and-Des were rescued on new years eve day 2004, so the next episode is new years day 2005), and the "going back to the island" business is happening toward the end of 2007.
I wonder: do they need to bring Walt too? He's the only other 815 survivor to have escaped the island.
Jeremy Bentham was an English philosopher who, among other things, was outspoken against the French revolutionary discourse of Natural Rights, which was championed by the philosopher John Locke. This implies a major shift in philosophy for the LOST character in question! Bentham also designed the famous prison structure "The Panopticon", which was designed for constant surveillance of the prisoners, to generate an experience of paranoia. He argued that the ability to suffer, not the ability to reason, was the true measure of a human being, pointing to infants and disabled people as evidence. This comes from
Last edited by ratbastid; 06-01-2008 at 04:26 AM..