Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA
get a sammich, haha. i could out eat you, buddy
9mm is out. ive never really liked 9's.
.357 seems like a nice choice...if i want to blow the poor fellows arm off. ow well, if they're in my house with a sack full of my belongings they probably deserve it.
i need to get my hands on a .40 and see how i like 'em. so far thats what im leaning towards. hell, i expected them to kick like a mule, but from what i hear so far i should be fine.
If you are getting it soley for home defense, (taking concealability out of the question) and are worried about kick, get a full sized steel frame pistol. Poly frame guns kick more...the heavier the gun, the less of the shock you'll feel. The exception to that is the 22C and 23C by glock (full sized and mid-size .40)...they have ports on the top of the front of the barrel to minimize kick up.