Originally Posted by host
Public outrage....but check the "new posts", there is more interest at TFP in discussing the naming of "pee pee parts", than there is in anything like official corruption at the highest level, and how to confront it and stop it.
Go figure....
There are other threads on this topic. If you added all the views and comments on this topic, I think you would see that you are wrong. Generally, I think we are waiting for something new.
I thought it was resolved that there is agreement that the WH was involved in outing Plame and they did it to discredit her husband. I think the WH is giving a big "so what" to Congress on this and a few other issues. I thought it was also resolved that congressional leaders lacked the courage to really confront Bush and perform to the level of their responsibility as defined in the Constitution to serve as a check and balance to the executive branch. We certainly understood that when Republicans controlled Congress, but now? We find that Democrats are mostly talk.