Here is another article about what both sides think.
The thing I don't understand is what is in it for the kids/teenagers? It's true that they weren't forced and they got permission to do this. But, I can't imagine any teenage girl/boy in Australia or US public school doing this and having it become this public. Although nowadays I guess kids are texting nude pictures of themselves to each other and some of those probably get out there.
I do view this as art, but it isn't as good as it could have been. But just because there are naked people or you wouldn't want your mother to see you looking at it doesn't automatically make it porn. And if society would be more accepting of nudity and not always relating it to sex, they could see the difference.
My GP/family doctor saw me naked and a bunch of other kids too. Maybe they were thinking bad things too. The government can't stop thoughtcrimes. At least not yet. Although it is trying very hard in this area. The quote that I got out of the article I linked to said "It is the people who view our children as sexual objects that must be taken to task."
I wonder why nudist resorts can still have nude children/teenagers around still and there haven't been laws banning kids there and at nude beaches?
Just remember that everyone is naked under their clothes.
(I do wonder if they missed the bottom right picture in #18 of the first link... Although it is kind of blurry and you can't tell how old the people in it are.)