Originally Posted by Lasereth
Oh man I have some serious bathroom habits and this is one of them.
1. No clothes. I definitely drool the paste all over my mouth when brushing them and it goes down my shirt if I wear clothes.
2. Pick up toothbrush, wipe bottom of handle off on towel in case mold grew on it overnight, wet the toothbrush. Put a square of toothpaste on it and brush the flat part of my teeth, upper and lower. Eventually make my way to the front of my teeth. At this point I'm leaning over the sink with foam dumping everywhere (I can't brush with my mouth closed).
4. COMPLETELY RINSE the toothbrush off. Then start Phase 2 brushing which is doing the same phase over again.
5. COMPLETELY RINSE the toothbrush off again. Brush tongue vigorously, not missing any part of it, even the underneath. Rinse toothbrush again and do it again.
6. Rinse toothbrush, run the brush over all of my teeth one more time. Then put the entire brush including handle under the water to get any slime off of it. This prevents disgusting plaque build up on the toothbrush.
7. Wipe slop off of my mouth with hand, wash hands, get in the shower.
The process takes approximately 6 minutes and it grosses me out hardcore when people brush their teeth in 30 seconds.
That's hardcore, brother.
I sing the song of the day--whatever happens to be in my head--which usually lasts 3-4 minutes and even then, it feels like a bit much. Usually shirtless and with quite a bit of dancing....
Beware, ladies....