ace, you're not debating me on this, your task now is to refute the claims of the former white house press secretary, that the war was unnecessary.
To give you some insight into the pitfalls of disagreeing with the man who was the public voice of the white house, here are the three network news anchors responding on TV this am, to McClellans accusations that one of the reasons an unneccessary war happened, was their compliant reaction to the Bush administration's propaganda:
If Bush, himself, said the the things Scott McClellan is saying, would Bush saying that the urgency and justification for invasion was contrved, and thus, the war was unnecessary, even sway your opinion?
I think we are down to one of two possibilities, now. Either your opinion is immovable, or only the public admission by Bush that mcClellan is correct, would influence you to change your mind.
There is <a href="">news reporting</a> that throughout 2002, the US and UK conducted a large unpublicized aerial bombardment campaign against targets in Iraq to soften Iraqi defenses against an invasion. I cannot find a formal declaration of war by Iraq against the US and I cannot find a preinvasion justification for war made by our president or VP that cites Iraq's declaration of war against the US. You posted that the US chose to fight an offensive war. If as you claim, Iraq declared war against the US, wouldn't the US invasion be a defensive response? What is the difference between offensive war and war of aggression?